ecosystem platform

FTX Fund was born focusing on developing symbiotic ecosystems, based on the solid foundation and development orientations of the parent company. Applications will be built on the practicality of users in the blockchain, crypto and fintech industries.
E-commerce platform (Reverse Auctions)
Name: Onstora
Scale: Global
Main functions: Register for auctions, buy products with cheap price, connect to receive rewards.
Potential: a place to trade genuine good, limited goods at competitive prices. The reverse auction platform system allows users to convert FTXF tokens into bids using for auction according to the business campaign.
Legal: Onstora is a platform regulated by Software Empower Cooperation(SEC) based in Singapore, a subsidiary company of CMC Holdings INC in the US
Centralized Exchange Platform
Name: Wowicex
Scale: Global
Main functions: Buy, sell, trade, store, exchange and invest.
Potential: Payment on smart devices, cashless, payment anytime and anywhere is an inevitable trend of international financial activities.
Legal: This exchange is directly regulated by FTX Finance Ltd registered in the UK, a member of CMC Holdings INC in the US.
Global payment gateway
Name: Paygate
Scale: Global
Main funtions: Store, pay, trade, and withdraw fiat money in countries.
Potential: Payment on smart devices, cashless, anytime, anywhere is an inevitable trend of international financial activities.
Legal: The platform is regulated by FTX Finance Ltd and operated under a Fintrac license by the Canadian government
Real Estate Tokenization
Name: Diasplat
Scale: Global
Main functions: Buying and selling, investing, depositing, brokerage. Specifically, searching for distribution agents to buy, sell, rent and lease, assessing potentials and real estate value through the application. Applying AI – Artificial intelligence to analyze, apply 3D 360 technology to review real estate products online. It also allows Investors to own real estate with the lowest costs thanks to tokenized digitization.
Potential: A platform that allows anyone who wants to invest in the real estate market to participate in and own real estate tokenized in the form of tokens.
Legal: Diasplat is a flatform which is developed and managed by Global Asset Management (GAM) based in Dubai, a subsidiary company of CMC Holdings INC in the US.
The staking program is an activity that runs on the Dapp platform
This program is for investors who own early FTXF tokens. It allows investors to stake their tokens into the Dapp system and receive the corresponding bonus according to the selection cycle.
Participating in the staking program offers dual benefits such as: Avoiding market manipulation in the new growth period of tokens, increasing the production of FTXF tokens, increasing the token minting process.